Sail away with Maas

When We Set Sail from Rotterdam / XL

Maas Theatre and Dance


Location theater

Different locations

When We Set Sail from Rotterdam

In 2015 and 2017 we presented the special site-specific performance When We Set Sail from Rotterdam, directed by Floris van Delft, creator of the successful Maas performance CASH.

On a moving boat, with Delfshaven as the stage-set, we meet five characters. They tell their exceptional stories and how their existence has been influenced by the harbour. Sail along and see their lives unfold and become intertwined with each other before your eyes.

When We Set Sail from Rotterdam is a performance based on interviews with people and enterprises from Delfshaven. How much one we shape our own future and how much is a question of fate? Here in the harbour the future lies before you, and can do with it as you wish. Or can you?

Floris van Delft about When We Set Sail from Rotterdam
"When I was 14 I wanted to study tropical forestry and go to South America to work in a plantation. Now I am 39 and make theater in the Netherlands. Every time I see the harbour I think how my life somewhere far away from here would have been if I had really left. How is it possible that life proceeds so differently than you dream or think it will? And how much influence do you have on your future? The harbour is the perfect place for a performance about these thoughts because here you have the choice. Go or stay?"

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Direction, text:

Floris van Delft


Anne Prakke, Dionisio Matias, Jaike Belfor, Simon Heijmans, Laurien van Rijswijk, Carmen Pereira Stolle en stagiairs van de MBO theaterschool van Hofplein Rotterdam: Aldaïr Pieters, Britt Buntenbach, Fabienne Strooband, Rick van Werd


Sara Hakkenberg

Sound design:

Frans Baudoin

Director's assistant:

Chyramain van Kempen

Research, dramaturgy:

Wieke ten Cate

Co-production 2017:

Maas and Floris van Delft / WAT TE DOEN


Lenny Oosterwijk (campaign image), Phile Deprez (scene image)


Huub Laurens


MBO Theaterschool van Hofplein Rotterdam

With gratitude to:

Maritiem Museum, Waterbus, Hanneke te Niet (Havenbedrijf Rotterdam), Chantal van Rooijen (Stadsontwikkeling Rotterdam), Mart Elderkamp en Jerry Oosterveen (Hoofden Maritiem Stadsbeheer Gemeente Rotterdam), Diede de Leeuw en Ron Buitelaar, Waterscouting vereniging J.c.J. van Speykand and everyone living at Spangensekade en Aelbrechtskade

This show is made thanks to the financial support of: Prins Bernhard Cultuurfonds, Fonds voor Cultuurparticipatie, Janivo Stichting, Van Leeuwen Van Lignac Stichting, Gravin van Bylandt Stichting, Rotterdam Festivals (2015). The revival in 2017 is made thanks to Van Leeuwen van Lignac Stichting en Stichting ’t Trekpaert, Deltaport donatiefonds.

3 reacties op When We Set Sail from Rotterdam

We zijn benieuwd wat je van deze voorstelling vond! Laat je het ons weten?

Petra Belt

"Ik vond Toen wij uit Rotterdam vertrokken het mooiste wat ik ooit heb gezien. Het zou fantastisch zijn als jullie weer de voorstellingen zouden hervatten! Het is ongeëvenaard en na al die jaren denken we er nog veel aan terug."

Maas theater en dans

"Hoi Marije. Helaas staat het nu niet op de planning om Toen wij van Rotterdam vertrokken te hernemen."


"Wanneer komt deze voorstelling weer?"

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