Two tireless brothers dance until the break of dawn
Clockwise / 4+
Maas Theater and Dance
Two little brothers have to go to bed. However, they’re just not able to fall asleep. It’s much more fun to play on the iPad… until it runs out of battery. Of course, the boys don’t plan on stopping their playtime any time soon. They’ll just make up their own games! As the hands on the clock tick down the hours, they stay up dancing, horsing around, annoying their father and playing deep into the night until they finally fall asleep. Then, their alarm clock goes off.
Remses Rafaela presents his first show for children at Maas theatre and dance, a place he knows all too well from his time spent playing a dancer on the ‘B-BOY’ production. His unique dancing style, a combination of acrobatics, Hip-Hop and Afro-Caribbean dance, is mixed in with slapstick and shadow play to create a fantasy-packed, energetic dance show for toddlers about two inexhaustible brothers that dance until the break of dawn. A whole night of playing around has brought them so much. After all: the more you’re awake, the wiser you get. Of course, their father sees things a little differently…
Remses Rafaela about his play Clockwise:
“These days, a lot of kids spend their time playing on the iPad. They don’t see each other anymore and they don’t really move around anymore. When Maas asked me to put together a play for toddlers, I immediately knew this is what I wanted the play to be about: that kids can discover the world around them by themselves by putting their senses to work. I remember how much fun I had playing with my nephews as a child. We’d play soccer, build huts, jump on the couch and leap over tables and pillows. We played with whatever was available to us at the time. I’m currently trying to teach my kids to do the same thing. This show is a tribute to physical play and to the unlimited imagination of children."
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Remses Rafaela
Patrick Karijowidjojo, Remses Rafaela
Stanley Clementina, Remses Rafaela
Shailesh Bahoran
Marlies Schot
Dorine van IJsseldijk
Mike den Ottolander (GVDO Lichtontwerpers)
Dorien Folkers
Bob Karman
Huub Laurens
4 comments on Clockwise
We’re eager to know what you thought of this performance! Will you let us know?
Elise Seinen (reactie via Instagram)
"Geweldige show, net in het Zuidplein theater gezien! Jolien (4jr) wilde nog aan de mannen doorgeven: Ik vond de dans super knap! Ze heeft geweldig genoten! 🙂"
Lennart van den Hof (reactie via Facebook)
"Fantastische voorstelling. Wat een energie, fantasie en humor. Net met mijn zoontje en 6 vrienden in De lieve vrouw geweest. Ze vonden het vet cool en grappig. Wat fijn dat het nog kan met dertig mensen in de zaal meer dan de moeite waard."
"Beste kindervoorstelling ooit gezien! Vandaag in de schouwburg in Utrecht geweest. Naast heel knap, ook heel erg grappig. Voor zowel de kinderen als de ouders!"
Tim van der Maden
"Briljante voorstelling! Prachtig spel van dans – acrobatiek – humor – licht&schaduwen uit een slapeloze nacht van 2 broers. Mijn zoontje heeft ademloos zitten kijken met een glimlach van oor tot oor. Zeker een must see!"