Concerning big questions and lonely chocolate bars
Maas theater and dance
Dance, Theater
You’re sitting on the seats of the school sports field. Alone. Everyone is gone. Your sports bag lies next to you and the music plays through your headphones. You stare at the sky until your eyes sting and the colors of the clouds fade. You almost fall off the bench as you sit there with all your questions. Why do I sometimes feel so alone when there is so much in this universe? How can it be that the Earth is so vast, yet just a tiny dot in the Milky Way? Why do I have to buy my sneakers with room to grow? When will I stop growing, or will I never? Or do I expand infinitely, just like the universe?
But then suddenly, nothing is as it seems. A portal to another dimension opens in your backpack and you are no longer alone with your questions. Floating upside down through the Milky Way, you search for answers.
Milky Way is an imaginative, physical theater performance that explores feeling lonely at times, but being together in that loneliness. It's a performance about drifting between being a child and being an adult, and about setting your questions in motion. Above all, it's about having the confidence that there is always someone there for you when the questions in your head threaten to overflow.
This performance is Dutch spoken, but can be performed in English.
About creator Freek Nieuwdorp
As a performer, Freek Nieuwdorp played in many Maas productions by Moniek Merkx, but has also featured in performances by Jakop Ahlbom Company and 155 (eenvijfvijf). He's part of the creative team of youth theater collective Meneer Monster. Under the Maas label FRIS, Freek made the performance Nog FF in 2022. That performance created the base for the full production Milky Way. Freek is known for his physical way of acting to which movement and the body are central.

foto: Laurien Riha
Witty and touching dance scenes
There's a lot of fun in this performance. Both for the performers as for the audience.
Freek Nieuwdorp, Arnold Put, Art Srisayam
Arnold Put
Stijn Hoes
Freek Nieuwdorp en Arnold Put
Pia Meuthen
Dennis Stolzenberg
Booking Inquiries
regular theater or leveled performance space
50 minutes
8 x 8 m, 4,5 m high
8+ (between ages 8 and 12 for students)
open performances: none
school performances: 250 (including teachers)
March - May 2024 + upon request
Contact: Rosa Brinks / rosa@maastd.nl
5 comments on MILKY WAY
We’re eager to know what you thought of this performance! Will you let us know?
"Ik vond het heel leuk, te leuk dat ik er nog een miljoen keer naar wil. Jullie hebben het goed gedaan, heel goed gedaan. Alles wat ik heb gezien vond ik mooi."
"Dit was echt fantastisch! Voor zover jong alsssss oud!
Zonder teveel te verklappen, nemen ze je mee op een reis met een dosis humor, emotie en alles er tussenin."
"Wat een leuke, verrassende voorstelling. Mijn drie kleindochters van 7, 11 en 13 jaar oud vonden het ook erg leuk. Het plezier spatte van de voorstelling."
"Deze drie lukt het om 4 schoolklassen de hele voorstelling te boeien, petje af! Wat een verrassend goede voorstelling !"
djessie en mami (franse oma) en elfie (zusje)
"hij was grappig en ik verveelde me geen seconden hij was heel creatief bedacht"