A (biscuitless) comedy in a room full of porcelain
Language No Problem
Het Ministerie van Onverrichter zake
Physical theater
The Last Cookie
Victor and Thorsten ( Thorsten and Victor) love their things and they love each other.
In their overcrowded house they enjoy their beautiful teasets.
The rest of the world is outside and that world can stay outside!
They don’t speak about the thing that can often be found in biscuit tins.
Or about those things you always want more of.
They do not mention the thing that starts with a B and ends in Iscuits.
They don’t think about it.
And they certainly don’t dream about it.
The Last Cookie is a performance about how peculiair adults can sometimes act and about biscuits.
( No! We don’t mention biscuits!)
Duration: 30 minutes + 5 minutes encore.
Scannen voor toegang (Scan for access)
Maaspodium currently uses the 'Scannen voor toegang' software (scan for access), at least until 1 November 2021. If you are 13 years or older, you need a specific CR-code to access a performance. The QR-code is your proof that you either have been fully vaccinated for more than 14 days, that you had corona before, or that you are tested within the last 24 hours by testenvoortoegang.org. Read more about Scannen voor toegang.
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Het Ministerie van Onverrichter Zake
Danielle Wagenaar
Niek van der Horst, José Montoya
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