Ayla Maagdenberg

About the security of holding on and the adventure of letting go
Language No Problem
WIRWAR & Frisse Oren
Circus theater, Music theater
Do you know that feeling that you have lost something and don't know where you put it? And do you know that feeling that you have lost something, but you don't know what? That it seemed like you had a hold of something, like you could hold it, but it still slipped through your fingers?
HEBBES is wordless, unique and spectacular movement theater for everyone from 4 to 104 years old. Two acrobats from circus theater company WIRWAR Producties and two musicians from music theater collective Frisse Oren join forces for this acrobatic music performance. About the security of holding on and the adventure of letting go.
About the maker
Musical theater collective Frisse Oren wants as many children as possible, aged 0.5 to 6 years, to experience live played and newly written music. With poetic and unruly music performances that touch both children and (grand)parents, aesthetically, substantively and emotionally.
The musical, physical and theatrical play of the players of Frisse Oren merge into a unique form that stimulates the imagination and wonder of young children. It gives them the space to experience the poetry of the moment and create their own story.
Just like the performances of WIRWAR Producties, the performances of Frisse Oren are wordless, which makes them accessible to all young children, parents and grandparents, regardless of cultural background.
Laura van Hal & Anneke Wensin
Marieke Franssen (dwarsfuit en piccolo), Joost van Genugten (tuba), Ivar van Woenzel (acrodance) en Sanne Hamstra (hand-to-hand)
Arthur Wagenaar
MAPA (Moving Academy for Performing Arts, Haarlem)
Jolanda Lanslots
Regina Rorije
Maarten Verheggen
Nikla Katsburg (Frisse Oren) ism WIRWAR Producties
Rosa Schogt
René Nekkers & Rudi van Hest
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